Proud Supporters of the Oppo Foundation

We are very proud supporters of the Oppo Foundation, established to help ex-military personnel, their families and dependants on their return to civilian life. We're hugely impressed by the work of Kayam Iqbal and the Oppo team and so it felt like the perfect charity to get behind and we're proud to support them in the incredible work they continue to do with ex-military personnel.


About the Oppo Foundation

The OppO Foundation has been established to help ex-military personnel, their families and dependants on their return to civilian life. Their objectives are to provide support in practical areas such as:

  • Employment and self-enterprise
  • Housing
  • Education and training
  • Health and wellbeing
However life in the military is very different to life as a civilian and support is also needed to help people survive the culture change.

It is also important to recognise that support is not a one-sided affair.

The OppO Foundation provides support to military personnel returning to civilian life and also supports the civilian community to welcome and benefit from their return. 

The Oppo Foundation Key Projects

Leaving the military is often seen simply as a career change. They know from personal experience that it is much more than that.

The armed forces are a way of life. A tight knit family where you have a firm sense of belonging, you know what your purpose is and you have the committed support of friends, colleagues and compatriots who will always look out for you.

On leaving the forces all of this melts away and ex-military personnel are often left feeling isolated, without a sense of purpose and not knowing who to turn to for support.

The Oppo Foundation's vision is to change that experience by replacing the supportive, family culture of the armed forces with a similar supportive network back in Civvy Street.

The OppO Foundation provides support through a series of projects which will be developed over time and fully resourced. 

Our current projects are:

• The University Challenge
• Team OppO
• Changing Perceptions
The OppO Foundation provides support to military personnel who have left or are about to leave the services. No matter how long ago somebody left military service they are still eligible for support. The Oppo Foundation's support also extends to the families and dependants of ex-military personnel.
To learn more about the Oppo Foundation and how you could also help support the charity please visit their website here: Oppo Foundation website.