The Reverse Puff Fold

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The Reverse Puff is a flamboyant fold that is quite straightforward to master.

It works best where there are contrasting colours in the border design. As this is a fold for a more casual environment, we recommend that you have the peaks a good height above the pocket.

The Reverse Puff Fold Step 1

Step 1.

Start by laying out the pocket square flat in front of you, then pinch the centre with your thumb and index figure and lift it up.


Step 2.

Taking your other hand, make a circle with your thumb and forefinger around halfway down the square.

The Reverse Puff Fold Step 3

Step 3.

Now twist the pocket square firmly to hold it in place.

The Reverse Puff Fold Step 4

Step 4.

Next, turn the pocket square around 180 degrees in your hands.

The Reverse Puff Fold Step 5

Step 5.

Now, take the bottom of the square and fold it up towards the peaks.

The Reverse Puff Fold Step 6

Step 6.

Finally, place it in your pocket, adjusting the peaks so that they are all visible and approximately the same height.

Minerva Or Pallas Athena

Minerva Or Pallas Athena

The pocket square used in this folding guide is Minerva of Pallas Athena by Gustav Klimt in 1898. It can be viewed here: Minerva of Pallas Athena

See our full collection of pocket squares here: Pocket Square Store

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